Our Story

Therefore, after doing extensive research, reading books/articles, and attending hair-care events, I found a passion for obtaining and maintaining healthy curls and documented my journey via Instagram at Free Your Curls in 2016. Furthermore, when I had my son, Jayce, on January 17, 2020, I vowed to keep his hair and skin as healthy as possible. After bad experiences of using over-the-counter products that caused allergic reactions, rashes and dry skin, I did extensive research on natural products that were both safe and effective for my child. That being said, I formulated my own four ingredient “Baby Body Butter” that has over time made a significant difference on both his face and body. I am proud to say that since formulating and using my own blend, Jayce has experienced extensive hydration and moisture on both his skin and hair.
Along with using my products for maximum hydration on his hair, face, and skin, I also wanted to ensure that Jayce’s hair would retain moisture and not become dry due to the type of linen in his crib. As you know, babies spend the majority of their time laying on their backs which eventually leads to dry hair, baby balding, bed head, etc. So, I designed our “Silky Sleep Sleeves ” (patent pending), for all sized co-sleepers, bassinets and cribs. By using both the body butter and sleep sleeves, Jayce's hair and skin has never been more hydrated! I am so excited to be sharing my journey with other moms who have experienced or are experiencing, hair and skin challenges with their babies.
Altogether, our mission at Free Your Curls has been and will always be to Believe, Embrace and Inspire others. We thrive to help others free their little one's curls by providing nothing short of all-natural, safe and clean products. Always remember that no matter the age, "Happy Hair is Healthy Hair!" Thank you for your support and continuous love!